Two teams, Two tales, Two builds, for just One Day.....

7/15/11  at 6:12 PM
You've danced at the balls, fought a great purple menace, bid at auctions and listened to Victor drone on all in the name of one cause. Tomorrow, all the efforts come together in the single largest charity event on the grid.

The Relay for Life of Second Life starts tomorrow and will see vast numbers of Second Life residents running, walking, flying around the course and raising Lindens for the Amercian Cancer Society. New Babbage residents have been involved in a number of sims this year, but two of them bear the city's Hallmark of Steampunk grunge.

First we have the offficial New Bababge Team Campsite. 

After extensive research effort by a respected panel of city luminaries in the steampunk City-State of New Babbage, it has come to the attention of Clockwinder Tenk (the City's nominal head of state) that the most important ingredient for those successfully battling cancer is Hope. The conclusion, of course, is that our City has an obligation need to manufacture it. LOTS of it.

So, under special order 1370, issued by the Clockwinder's office, a special charter was granted to the New Babbage Manufacturing Consortium(TM) to establish a Workshop for the construction of Hope. Our research shows that another organization (known  as the "American Cancer Society") has already developed similar capabilities. We are determined to emulate - in our own way - their efforts.

Secondly, we have the designer sim that bears the name of New Babbage.

Here we are transported to a typical 19th Century Steampunk city.

Framed by dominating aqueducts and viaducts.
The scourge of cancer is as much a part of life here as in any comparable city but here one lone scientist is taking on the menace.

A short story is told in fragments of his journal scattered through the build.

and finally, The Merryman Of Babbage. A finer pub there may never have been.

Those who know me, know too that I have been involved in one of the
builds and as is ever the case the tinkering and improving has continued
to the last minute, including my own frantic rush to finish the accompanying story and missing out a page in the process! So, I will not write many words here. Come visit them both and the rest of the amazing work spread across 40 sims. It will be closed and gone by the end of the weekend.

I am truly proud of what all the New Babbage teams (and I am not talking just builders here) have achieved from the fundraising eforts, to the builds and all the support and tireless work of organisation that goes on behind the scenes. Its been an honour to be a part of this.

Now, get your low-arc suit out and get on over to Relay for Life of Second Life.

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